Space age lodge gila bend built
Space age lodge gila bend built

space age lodge gila bend built

See the pic below of the inside of the coffee maker.yuck. The rooms are just OK but I got the distinct impression that cleanliness is not one of their strong suits. Space Age stuff aside it is very basic motel with a very ordinary restaurant. I think the "Space Age" gimmick which is really no more than a couple of photos and some Disney like space stuff allows them to charge a bit more than average. I paid about $165 as a Best Western member which is not exactly cheap for a two star roadside motel in a small town. I did not have very high expectations but I was still very disappointed with my one night stay at this motel. Hotels near Painted Rock Petroglyph Site.Hotels near Gila Bend Visitor's Center and Museum.

space age lodge gila bend built

Hotels near St.Michael Catholic Church, Gila Bend.Hotels near Gila Bend Library - Maricopa County Library District.Hotels near First Baptist Church Gila Bend.Hotels near Best Western Space Age Lodge.While Gila Bend currently is not an active volcanic region complete with lava flows, on certain days. The town's name derives from the nearby great bend of the Gila River as its dry bed bows around large granitic outcroppings rising above basalt flats that allude to the regions' volcanic past (Figure 1). The barren physical setting of Gila Bend imparts an austere feeling. This, then, is the story of Gila Bend, Arizona, on the road somewhere else. Gila Bend has a history of mini booms and busts, a stark, bone-dry physical landscape, and a population who have employed a coping strategy for the tough life here by transforming economic insecurity into social stability. Continuing a long tradition in cultural geography (Sauer 1925 Meinig 1979 Marsh 1987), I describe landscape change in a neglected place, a small town bypassed and nearly forgotten. Through time, Gila Bend has teetered on the brink of extinction, yet it manages to survive despite a severe climate and a depressed local economy. Cities such as Parker and Bullhead City attract migrants by extolling the virtues of the dry, warm climate other places, however, cannot recount such tales of growth. Elsewhere in Arizona, some small towns grow and develop when they attract retirees who flee colder climes in the northern United States and Canada. In Arizona, large centers such as Phoenix and Mesa developed a green, cosmopolitan feeling the desert poses as a scenic backdrop, but one not often engaged. Promotional materials printed to attract capital growth to the desert southwest highlight the mild winters and number of sunny days. For example, the federal government has granted large sums for massive reclamation projects groundwater pumping at rapid rates feeds thirsty faucets and lawns non-native plant species compete with desert-adapted flora and cooling technology has been applied to make life in the desert bearable. Whether it is power generation, hazardous waste recycling, or a large prison population, Gila Bend's backyard is open for business.Īnglo settlement in the desert Southwest has been marked by numerous attempts to soften the harshness of a foreboding environment. Gila Bend accepts the unwanted economic activities that bolster the growth in the region.

space age lodge gila bend built

While this town may seem to be bypassed on many different levels within a region of intense growth, this is a place that uses its derelict landscape and poor economy in a strategic way. Gila Bend, Arizona, is a locale abounding with dichotomies: lying on a well-defined transportation corridor, it has rarely been a destination it is a complex place as it continually redefines itself through time due to large economic swings, but its residents extol a grounded vision of quick fixes the town is located in Maricopa County, which is rapidly growing in both population and economic output, but the town has been plagued by population stagnation and economic decline it is situated in the midst of the arid Sonoran Desert, yet by regional standards, it has plenty of water.

Space age lodge gila bend built